
Norgine’s consultancy payments to healthcare professionals, sponsorships to attend scientific meetings and congresses, and grants and donations to healthcare organisations in Ireland are made in line with the Irish Pharmaceutical Healthcare Association (IPHA) Code of Practice for the Pharmaceutical Industry.

The IPHA code also mentions Research and development ToV – Research and Development Transfers of Value in each reporting period shall be disclosed by each company on an aggregate basis. Costs related to events that are clearly related to activities covered in this section can be included in the aggregate amount under the “Research and Development Transfers of Value” category.

Please click on the following links to have a view of the recent transfers of value and our methodology for collecting the same.

Should you have any query related to the reported transfers of value, please contact us via contact details as listed towards the end of our methodology note.

Transfers of value: 2020, No ToV to publish in 2019 or 2018

Methodology note: 2020, No ToV to publish in 2019 or 2018